Monday, March 18, 2013

Rearranging good things

I couldn't sleep last night so I plotted how to turn the wood from my bedframe into a cabinet with glass doors. I might have to utilize the one bookshelf as well. I have a cabinet maker coming to look at it next week to determine how viable my middle of the night plan is.  If it's a go, I'll take before and after pictures to post.

My DNi and I planted seeds last week in those little peat pots you buy at the dollar store. We used seeds I'd harvested from the garden bounty a couple of years ago (last year was a complete bust). Today, I moved everything over to the living room window, popped the plastic lids off and stuck all six containers beneath the large dollar store greenhouse tent. It takes up the entire table top.  My Icelandic sheep photo is tucked behind it.  Since ten o'clock this morning, the radishes have grown more than an inch. I guess they like the extra room.  We didn't expect the seeds to sprout so quickly.  They're going to need to be transplanted long before the outdoors is ready for them.  It's all good.

How's your life rearranging itself into a better model?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:57 PM

    What fun! Can you put up a pick of that greenhouse tent? No. We don't quite look like planting season, do we? lol My crocus tips were popping through the ground last I looked, but I think they got covered last night. ;-)
