Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Who knew

Today was lovely. Fresh Spring air, warmer temps, the steady drip of snow and ice melting. I walked to work. It was dark by the time I heard home bug that distinctive scent of fertile earth lingered interest night Air.

It's a two kilometer walk. This time last year,  I was tired by the time I arrived home. Now, I'm barely into my stride by then. I know I walked 32km last year but that was in June.  Since then, I've struggled with several injuries. Apparently, my legs and stamina were not affected.

We're on track for another winter storm tomorrow. I doubt I'll trudge through the snow with three little girls but maybe Ky and I will go for a stroll later.

I'm not sick of winter. I like the crisp air, the crunch of snow beneath my boots, the scent of the air. There's a strange silence to be heard even through the noise of shovels, plows and snowblowers. I enjoy it.

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