Monday, September 09, 2013


I spent months from March to June getting in shape to walk 20 miles to commemorate Laura Secord's walk. We continued to walk for a few weeks after that then a heat wave hit, I injured my back and I took the rest of the summer off. I jog on the spot while watching television, brushing my teeth and using the photocopier at work( only if it's before we open so that no one sees me).  I was pretty sure I'd lost all the stamina, endurance and fitness. My clothes are definitely tighter but not all the way back to pre-training days.

Anyway, I rode my bike to work.  And it was easy!  It's never been that easy.  Usually I struggle, arriving 1.5 km later, breathless and in agony. Not today.  I practically bounced into work.  Three hours later, I was still feeling good about my accomplishment that I attempted to ride up the steeper of the two hills. I don't know what I was thinking, but I did it!

I've been in a good mind set the last couple of weeks about making better choices for my overall health. That includes food, exercise and finances.  Yesterday, I made plans with my walking buddy to hit the trail again on Wednesday. Today, I met a goal I thought would take weeks to attain.

I topped the day off by visiting my great aunt.  It was amazing to hear her assessment of my parents and I, even of herself. We concluded that we rarely see ourselves the way others do. That can be both positive and negative.  She says I'm fortunate to realize that I'm a good blend of the best of my parents.  She wished she'd been more clever and had been the lady her mother had groomed her to be.  I always thought my aunt was elegant and refined.  And very clever indeed.  I guess it depends on how you define those words.  At 100 years old, she still thinks there's room for improvement and strives to do so.  She's an amazing example.  We concluded today's meeting of the Mutual Admiration Society with plans to meet next week.

Special healing thoughts to Stashaholic who had surgery on her wrist today.  May you be knitting and spinning very soon.

1 comment:

  1. thanks! I've started a new ritual over the past few weeks. Every day before I get up, I say to myself "make good choices today". Then when I'm confronted with an option, I say "is this a good choice?" 99% of the time it is, but I do allow myself 1 not so good choice each day. Sometimes I take the out, sometimes I don't. It's all about flexibility and being aware.

    As soon as I'm allowed to put my hand below my heart, I plan on doing a lot of walking while i recuperate - that's a good choice for sure.
