Friday, September 27, 2013


I fell into a good book over my lunch. I never left the big comfy chair let alone went for a walk.

Later in the afternoon,  my coworker suggested I take a break. I grabbed my pear and ate it outside while walking the building's perimeter. That involved traipsing through our garden.  I'm so glad I did that. It cleared my mind and refreshed my energy level. I sent coworker out to do the same.  She'd never seen our patio or garden. After work we walked through Old Town in search of fish and chips.  We landed at the ghost in with its low beamed ceilings. It was impulsive but fun.

I came home to a lovely package of horse themed bookmarks,  postcard and magnets from my friend Nancy Herkness as well as a copy of her latest book,  Country Roads. What a delightful surprise.

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