Thursday, January 31, 2013

Back online

We're back!  There was a communication issue between our server and Ma Bell but four days without Internet was not as big a problem as I thought it would be - but then I'm old enough to remember what life was like before home computers.

Lots of good things.

First of all, someone else has picked up the One Good Thing idea and made it her own.  Good for you, Pirk.

I've woken up ridiculously early the last couple of mornings. That led to several pages of the horror story. I woke up with the last character in play.

It was icy this morning so I gave myself lots of time to get to work. I didn't need it.  Which meant I could use that time to write some more on the horror story. I know what happens to the second last owner of the painting. Ewwww.  And how they change the painting which is even more ewwww.

One Good Thing that doesn't seem all that good on the surface - I've lost my taste for hot chocolate. That means I'll save myself a couple of dollars a week, and who knows how many calories. It could be just that particular  brand so tomorrow I'll try the cafe next door to the second job. The owner is cute, and he always puts a cinnamon stick in my mug.  I've found nibbling on the cinnamon stick helps keep other cravings at bay. It's also good for breath. I try to feed Ky one at least once a week.

I missed sharing my Good Things but I still thought of them every day just in case the Internet came back. And because it really is better when I focus on the positive in my life.

How were things in my absence?

1 comment:

  1. Today I walked out the door shortly after 9! And the snow on my car was some of the fluffiest I've seen, and it was practically fun to brush it off! So two good things before 9:30. Awesome!
