Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Yummy Good things

I met two other writers for lunch. It was so Good to get feedback about the horror story I'm working on.  We brainstormed a bit for each of us and it was all good. We're full of enthusiasm, ideas and inspiration.

Another Good thing - I made it home on fumes. My car is wonderful. She takes my abuse and doesn't leave me stranded. I did promise her a full belly tomorrow and a nice wash in thanks.

I got to see The Hobbit tonight. Yay. Let me just say that Richard Armitage is always a Good Thing.

The cinema manager was working the counter so we discussed the fact that 2D option will not be available next year. If the movie comes out in 3D that is what will be shown.  Studios need to rethink that.  There's a growing section of the population susceptible to migraines.  They are losing theatre customers this way. The heads up from the manager was a Good Thing as I can plan my viewing accordingly.

Another good thing was the popcorn, with real butter.

And did I mention Richard Armitage?  I've always enjoyed Martin Freeman (Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Sherlock) but RA? He smoulders beautifully.


  1. Anonymous7:28 PM

    And don't you just love that his middle name is Crispin? *nods* If they don't have a 2-D version of the other Hobbit movies, I will not be able to see it. My daughter will not be able to see it. My s-i-l will not be able to see it. Oh boy.

  2. Crispin is not a name one hears that often. I like it.

    Yep, 2D needs to be available as an option. I'd like to send Peter Jackson into the theatre with a bad headache then try to watch his own movie. Sheesh, even 2D had way too much camera movement. What' the point of using Steadicam if you never keep the camera still?????
